I've moved to Kaya on Brioche!

This past year, I had no idea what direction this blog was taking. I posted photography, study abroad experiences and personal musings sporadically. I felt like I was growing out of it and was losing interest.

So over break, I decided to stop this blog and move on to another one. I will now be writing on Kaya on Brioche (yes I love spreads on breads apparently). Instead of a jumble of everything, Kaya on Brioche will just focus on cool finds in cool cities (you could call it more of a travel blog). My sister and I are working together on this one, which makes this blog a bit more fun for me. To my few followers (looking at you mother), I hope you'll follow my musings over at Kaya on Brioche and find it helpful!

:) Kathryn

1 comment:

In Green Pastures said...

Too cute! I am following you at Kaya on Brioche. I will however miss Toast and Nutella! :(

Love you loads, Mother